miercuri, 25 mai 2016

The conclusion is clear - Tour Wizard is the best real estate software

After all the recent software testing that I have done I reached to the conclusin that TourWizard is the best software solution that you can search on the internet, for real estate virtual tours, that can help any agent in improving his listings with great visuals and useful info.

As for the serveral advantages agains competition:

1. Allows the sellers to promote the property without stress

Each viewer can choose what images to watch and focus on the details they are really interested in, with all the zoomng features (zoom in). Also , the property will look just like you want it, as you have full control over the pictures that you have used for the virtual tour.

2. Allows the sellers to reach better exposure

As more and more persons are spending time watching  on a lsiting, this means that you will also get more chances to actually sell a property with less effort! The presentation is the most important aspect related to selling a house. Also, asmore information will be displayed , the better the odds are for your a certain client to feel very confident on what he saw and to make an appointment to see the property.

To continue, marketing your listing with a virtual tour also helps you build personal and brand awareness! It all acts like a silent salesperson that spices up your presentation! What a powerful advertising instrument!

3. Allows the sellers to share the info through social media

Also, a very important point is to be able to show your property in a fast way to the potential buyers - which means that you can send the tour by email or embed it in a website - which is possible.

4. Allows the sellers to share through email:

Anyone can getthe  listing in front of your audience via electronic mail. Sellers only need a mailing list of prospects, and in a matter of seconds, all of them will receive the intended virtual tour that was created for selling a certain house.

joi, 12 mai 2016

Avantajele aduse de instalatiile GPL

In ziua de azi tot mai multi soferi aleg sa isi monteze pe masini instalatii GPL, intrucat pretul benzinei pare ca se afla intr-o crestere continua. Aceste instalatii sunt populare atat in randul autoturismelor mici, cat si pentru cele mai scumpe, intrucat nimeni nu este incantat sa plateasca tariful tot mai ridicat al carburantilor. De asemenea, chiar si statisticile oferite de Registrul Auto Roman tind sa confirme acest obicei, de a renunta la benzina sau motorina si de a trece la gaz.

In schimb, este important ca instalatia GPL instalata pe masina sa fie una moderna, intrucat cele mai vechi afecteaza durata de viata a unui motor deoarece acesta nu mai este uns cu benzina. In plus, si spatiul portbagajului devine mai redus, aspect care insa nu reprezinta o problema pentru proprietarii masinilor break. O alta posibilitate este instalarea sistemului in locul rotii de rezerva pentru a economisi spatiu.
Avantajele aduse de instalatiile GPL

In primul rand cel mai mare avantaj este din punct de vedere financiar, intrucat pretul gazului este mult inferior celui al benzinei, fiind la jumatate. De asemenea, datorita faptului ca investitia este una destul de accesibila, numerosi soferi cu masini cu motoare pe benzina care consuma mult, aleg sa opteze pentru instalatii de GPL, a carui cost mediu este de circa 3.000 de lei. In plus, investitia se recupereaza dupa circa 11.000 de km, suma parcursa de cele mai multe ori in maxim un an de majoritatea soferilor.

Dezavantajele aduse de instalatiile GPL

Scaderea puterii motorului cu 10% poate reprezenta un dezavantaj doar pentru unii, intrucat cei care au motoare de peste 2 litri, acest incovenient este insesizabil. De asemenea, si consumul este unul mai ridicat decat cel de benzina, insa iarasi nu reprezinta un adevarat dezavantaj, intrucat pretul gazului este mult mai mic decat cel al carburantului.